We did some revamping and beginning October 2019, we are going to have 3 main challenges: Theme & Photo Prompt Challenge, CAS Cards Challenge, and Stencil Challenge. All 3 challenges will start on the first of each month at 1 am (Theme & Photo Prompt), 2 am (CAS Cards), and 3 am (Stencil) Pacific time. Then we have our Never-ending Anything Goes Challenge for those of you who love to create projects using STAMPlorations products.
So here's a refresher of our challenge guidelines. We've revised our prizes (more prizes, more winners). The use-by-date of gift certificates remain the same and we also ask players to link back AND display the challenge graphic (on their blogs; non-blog players are not required to display the challenge graphic) if they want to qualify for the prizes.
Beginning with the winners, runners up, and random draw winners of all October 2019 challenges, here are our updated challenge guidelines and prizes:
***A note to all players: If you have word verification turned on, our design team may not be able to leave a comment, so please consider turning it off.***