Friday, April 10, 2015

{Inspiration Project Post #11}

Happy Friday, STAMPlorations friends! Ready for this month's first Inspiration Project post? Perhaps you'd like to CASE a card or two and then join us at the Inspiration CASE Playground?

If you're new to CASEing, take a look at how the STAMPlorations girls CASEd the awesome Kimberly Wiener in this post here. You can CASE Kimberly's card, CASE the cards made by the STAMPlorations girls (CASE the CASE), or CASE one (or all) of the cards below.



  • Pick any card (or two, or however many) from the Inspiration Project posts that we'll be publishing throughout the month of April (April 10, 13, 17, 27, and 30) that you want to CASE. You can create any type of project -- card, ATC, altered project, mixed media, art journal page, scrapbook page, etc.
  • You can use any supplies you have. You don't have to use STAMPlorations products; products by other companies are welcome -- but please don't link up projects that you create solely to promote another stamp company.
  • In your blog post, include the card you're CASEing as well as describe how you were inspired by it. Link back to the Inspiration Project post too.
  • Don't forget to link up your CASE project(s) to the Inspiration CASE Playground!
  • CASE as many cards as you want, so long as you have them in separate posts on your blog.

Ready for cards you can CASE? Here ya go! We are excited to see your CASEs!

Supplies used in today's Inspiration Project Post:


(Linkup closed)


  1. So much inspiration! This time I cased Cornelia again!

  2. CASEing cards is so much fun...and all the wonderful different cards over the month from the DT girls both help and make it difficult to decided - fabulous cards ladies


Spammers have been in full force lately so I had to turn comment moderation on. We love hearing from fellow crafters (not spammers), so your comment will be approved as soon as possible. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us :o)