Friday, May 01, 2015

CASEplorations May

Happy May Day! It's CASEplorations time again. We sure hope you are enjoying this feature on the first of every month. We certainly enjoy seeing you CASE our special guests or even our own creations! Thanks for joining us!

So after big and bold last month, are you ready for a natural beauty this month? It's from another Kimberley. May I introduce our guest for May, Kim Makortoff!

Source: Kim Makortoff

You may remember this lovely card from our December challenge gallery? Kim, whose blog is Art Keeps Me Sane, is a regular at STAMPlorations and her creations are usually CAS, although often involving detailed techniques. They are always well-composed and use color beautifully. About this card she said, "I stuck with white and browns to keep it neutral and soft." Well that certainly worked, didn't it?

Kim is currently busy designing for Inkspirational and The One Layer Christmas Card challenges, but she found time to CASE her own card.

Source: Kim Makortoff

What a fabulous use of white and brown again and doesn't that design really let her sentiment shine? Ready to see what the DT gals came up with? Click on through to the individual DT members' blogs to see how each designer approached her CASE.

So, let the CASEing begin! Remember, CASE means "copy and share everything." We interpret that to mean "notice the various elements of a card and then use some or all of them on a project of your own design."

Which card should you CASE? Well, that's up to you. You can CASE any of today's cards. Or any of the DT cards which will appear in the Inspiration Project Posts throughout the month of May. All we ask is that you tell us which card you are CASEing in your blog post.

Then link your project to the Inspiration CASE Playground gallery below by June 5th and you might be the lucky random winner who gets to choose either a $15 STAMPlorations gift certificate or two ARTplorations stencils as a prize. Maybe we'll even select your project for a future CASEplorations!


Link up your CASEs for the May STAMPlorations™ Inspiration CASE Playground

Heads up! If you used a STAMPlorations stamp (clear stamp or digi) and/or ARTplorations stencil in your project(s), make sure to link it up to our Never-ending Anything Goes Challenge too for a chance to win more stamps! (We draw a winner for every 50 entries in the linky :o)

(Linkup closed)


  1. I´m speechless from all those wonderfull cards,
    you all did a great job !!!
    Thanks a bunch

  2. WOW - so in awe of all this stamping beauty and awesome creativity!! So well done and so much to benefit and be inspired from!!

  3. Great cards. The fun is coming thick and fast here. Hugz

  4. Kraft is one of my fave "colors" to work with. These cards are wonderful.


Spammers have been in full force lately so I had to turn comment moderation on. We love hearing from fellow crafters (not spammers), so your comment will be approved as soon as possible. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us :o)