Monday, August 31, 2015

{Inspiration Project Post #35}

Hey, STAMPlorations friends! August is quickly coming to an end. Have you played with us at the CASE Playground yet? If you haven't yet, you still have a week left to play and win some stencils or spending money on the shop! All you need to do is CASE any of the projects we've featured in the Inspiration Project Posts throughout the month of August. We randomly draw the winner of the prize so everyone has a shot! Plus we highlight the best CASEs!

You can CASE this beautiful card that our guest designer, Karen Dunbrook, created, or you can CASE the cards that the STAMPlorations girls made in this postthis postthis post, and below. Check them out!


  • Pick any card (or two, or however many) from the Inspiration Project posts that we'll be publishing throughout the month of August (August 10, 14, 24, 28, and 31) that you want to CASE. You can create any type of project -- card, ATC, altered project, mixed media, art journal page, scrapbook page, etc.
  • You can use any supplies you have. You don't have to use STAMPlorations products; products by other companies are welcome -- but please don't link up projects that you create solely to promote another stamp company.
  • In your blog post, include the card you're CASEing as well as describe how you were inspired by it. Link back to the Inspiration Project post too.
  • Don't forget to link up your CASE project(s) to the Inspiration CASE Playground!
  • CASE as many cards as you want, so long as you have them in separate posts on your blog.
  • We'll randomly draw one entry to win a $15 gift certificate to the shop or choice of 2 ARTplorations stencils. We'll also be highlighting the best CASEs.

Ready for cards you can CASE? Here ya go! We are excited to see your CASEs in the Playground!

Link up your CASEs for the AUGUST STAMPlorations™ Inspiration CASE PlaygroundHeads up! If you used a STAMPlorations stamp (clear stamp or digi) and/or ARTplorations stencil in your project(s), make sure to link it up to our Never-ending Anything Goes Challenge too for a chance to win more stamps! (We draw a winner for every 50 entries in the linky :o)

(Linkup closed)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

PARTYDRESSES Special Stamp Release Winner!

Thank you to everyone who hopped last week when we released Shirley's latest stamp set, PartyDresses

Now it's time to announce the winner of the set, randomly drawn from comments left here on the blog and the designers' blogs, as well as tags on Facebook and Pinterest pins.

We pooled the entries and with the help of Mr., the winner is:


Congratulations, ! Please claim your prize by Friday, September 4. Send an email to with the subject, "STAMPlorations PartyDresses winner". Include your complete mailing address in the email and your stamp set will be on its way to you.

By the way, PartyDresses is available in the shop and until Wednesday, September 2, it's 10% off! And great news to our international friends: we have lowered the minimum order for free shipping! Now orders of at least $25 (previously $35) get free shipping to Canada and orders of at least $35 (previously $50) get free shipping to all other countries. Free shipping coupon codes are found here.

Get ready for another special stamp release hop this coming Wednesday. We're releasing not one but two stamp sets. One of the sets is by our new stamp designer! Yup, we've got a new (so to speak) recruit! Who? We'll introduce her on Tuesday so check back again!

Until then, happy stamping!

It's a STAMPbaby! A Surprise Blog Hop for Shery!

We at STAMPlorations LOVE surprises and we also LOVE a good celebration. And boy (or in this case girl) is there something to celebrate around here!!

Today, our fearless leader, Shery, became a brand new mommy!! She delivered a healthy, happy, precious baby girl! (Excuse the multitude of exclamation points but we feel they're warranted.)

As anyone who has ever come into contact with Shery knows, her kindness, generosity, and amazing spirit are unparalleled and we wanted to do something extra special to celebrate her big news.

So we're having a surprise hop-a-long that Shery will see when she gets out of the hospital and we are hoping you'll celebrate with us. Here are the cards we created:












ASMAH  and MARIA were unable to make cards when we threw this together but wanted Shery to know they are wishing the very best for the new little STAMPfamily!! 

We've all made baby-themed cards and will be sending them to Shery. Would you consider doing the same? If so, link up your creations below and we promise to come leave you lots of comments!
You can link up through September 14. Feel free to use the blog hop graphic in your post.

P.S. - If you'd like to mail Shery your card (totally optional) you can send it to:
The Russ Family
PO Box 883
Strathmore, CA 93267

{Stencil Sunday #9}

Hey there, fellow creatives! We've got a new edition of Stencil Sunday, a weekly feature brought to you by the STAMPlorations girls in the Mixed Media design team. Every Sunday, they share their mixed media projects showcasing ARTplorations stencils and STAMPlorations stamps. Today, Asmah and  Lee-Anne are sharing their mixed media projects.. You'll find more information about their projects by visiting their blogs---do check them out!

Friday, August 28, 2015

{Inspiration Project Post #34}

For the PARTYDRESSES Special Stamp Release + Comment to Win post, click here.

Hey, STAMPlorations friends! August is quickly coming to an end. Have you played with us at the CASE Playground yet? If you haven't yet, you still have over a week left to play and win some stencils or spending money on the shop! All you need to do is CASE any of the projects we've featured in the Inspiration Project Posts throughout the month of August. We randomly draw the winner of the prize so everyone has a shot! Plus we highlight the best CASEs!

You can CASE this beautiful card that our guest designer, Karen Dunbrook, created, or you can CASE the cards that the STAMPlorations girls made in this postthis post, this post, and below. Check them out!



Wednesday, August 26, 2015

{Special Stamp Release!} PARTYDRESSES by The Bee's Knees + Mini Release Hop -- Comment to Win!

We've got another fabulous stamp set we're releasing this month: PartyDresses. This fun set is designed by Shirley and coordinates with PartyGirl so if you've already got that set, you can play dress up with her! Totally fun, right?

For this mini hop, we have the STAMPlorations girls sharing their projects. We'd love for you to visit the designers' blogs and leave comments along the way. The best part? One lucky commenter will win PartyDresses! :o)

How the mini release hop works:
  • Comment on this post.
  • Visit the designers' blogs and comment on their featured project(s).
  • Commenting closes on Friday, August 28, 11:55 p.m. Pacific (GMT-7).
  • We'll randomly select a winner of the stamp set from comments left on all the blogs and announce it on Sunday, August 30.

Want to increase your chances of winning?
  • Share the link to this blog post on your Facebook status. Make sure to tag your post with #partydresses and #stamplorations
  • When you visit the designers' blog posts, pin their cards to your Pinterest board. Again, make sure to tag your pins with #partydresses and#stamplorations
  • Leave a second comment on this blog post telling us that you've done the above (include a link to your FB profile/page and/or Pinterest board).

By the way, PartyDresses is now available in the shop and for one week only, it's 10% off!

And another by the way...if you haven't visited the shop lately, you're missing out on one awesome change we did this month: lower minimum orders for free shipping to our non-US customers! Now orders of at least $25 (previously $35) get free shipping to Canada and orders of at least $35 (previously $50) get free shipping to all other countries. Free shipping coupon codes are found here.

Happy hopping!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

{Spotlight Project} Ink Bleeding Technique with Shery

Hi, guys! Today I'm sharing a project using a technique I learned/discovered by accident a few weeks ago while I was sketching stamp designs on my sketch book. I call it the ink bleeding technique. I was playing with my calligraphy pens and as I prepped one of my drawings for a colorwash and ran my waterbrush over my sketches, the ink started bleeding. Before I knew it, I was testing the technique on my stamps and card designs. You'll find some of my cards using this technique here, here, here, and here

This time around, I played with the technique using the ARTplorations Happy Flowers stencil. Here's the card:

Monday, August 24, 2015

STAMPlorations July 2015 Stamps Spotlight Week Blog Hop Winners

Time to announce the winners of the July 2015 stamps spotlight week blog hop! We thank everyone who participated and took the time to visit and leave comments here and on our designers' blogs!

{Mixed Media Tutorial} Altered Art Journal Covers by Asmah

Asmah shows you how to use the ARTplorations gridlocked and old rose prints stencils to make this pretty canvas tag. Click on the graphic below for the step-by-step photo tutorial she has on the ARTplorations blog. See you there!