Friday, February 27, 2015

{Inspiration Project Post #4}

***Looking for the Spring Coffee Lovers blog hop post? It's HERE***

Happy Friday, everyone! February will be over soon but we've got some more inspiration projects to share and for you to CASE.


If any of the projects have inspired you, we encourage you to share your creations by linking to the Inspiration CASE Playground. You'll find the link at the end of this post. The Playground is open until March 5th and you can use whatever supplies you have (not just STAMPlorations products). One lucky CASE player will win a $15 gift certificate to the shop (or her choice of any 2 ARTplorations stencils).

Just a reminder, though: please briefly describe in your blog post how you were inspired by the card you CASEd instead of simply linking back to our Inspiration Project posts. If you can include the card you CASEd on your post, that would be even better! Not sure how to CASE? We explain it here. And if you want more projects to CASE, you can find them here.

We hope you enjoyed this round of Inspiration Projects and we are looking forward to seeing your CASEs! Happy weekend!

~ The STAMPlorations girls

Products used in today's Inspiration Project Post:

(Linkup closed)


  1. Amazing cards from your super fantabulous designers for me to be inspired by!!!

  2. Great inspiration for this challenge. I am trying to see how many entries are allowed...

    1. Hi, Dorothy! There's no limit. Link up as many CASE projects as you want - as long as they're in separate blog posts :o)


Spammers have been in full force lately so I had to turn comment moderation on. We love hearing from fellow crafters (not spammers), so your comment will be approved as soon as possible. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us :o)