Wednesday, December 15, 2021

{CUTplorations Creative Cuts} Carol Plays with Christmas Tags


Happy Wednesday, STAMPlorations friends! CUTplorations Creative Cuts is back to putting the spotlight on the thin metal dies we carry in the store. STAMPgirl Carol is sharing projects that showcase CUTplorations dies. Make sure you comment on this post for a chance at a $7 prize code. Every month we draw 10 winners, with the winners randomly drawn from all posts published during the month. The more posts you comment on, the more chances you have.



Here's Carol with her projects:

Hello, Carol here. Welcome to my second installment of projects featuring STAMPlorations CUTplorations Creative Cuts. As you know, Shery has a plethora of thin, cut-like-butter dies in her shop. Words, phrases, tags/frames, images, cutting plates...possibilities galore. If you enjoying playing with dies as much as I do (and I DO!), please be sure to check them out!

With Christmas but days away, I decided to focus this series on tags, which I LOVE to make! They're simple ways to add a pretty, personal touch to an assortment of gifts, from those store-bought, to those home-made, to stocking-stuffers, to...whatever you decide needs a bit of festive flair.  

This is a photo-heavy post, so I hope you're ready for some tag-a-licious fun! 

Set 1
: I paired this trio of tags with small mason jars filled with a package of hot chocolate, marshmallows and chocolate balls. The tags have small magnets on the back that attach them to the jar lids and, afterwards, can be mounted on the fridge or another magnetic surface. I think these would make festive table décor for Christmas morning. The adorable Christmas Mug Cuties ephemera makes tag making a breeze!

Tag 1

Tag 2

Tag 3
A third one, solo, so you can see how adorable these images are! 

Set 2: How fun is this new collection of ephemera: Trucks of Cheer! Pair them with kraft cardstock to enhance their rustic charm; perfect tags for sweet treats, gifts-for-the guys or anyone who loves country life. 

Set 3: Several of the CUTplorations word dies - I've used only three here - can be used as tags in and of themselves. No need to add tag bases; rather, die-cut the words, adding extra layers for sturdiness, and attach them to a bag/package/stocking stuffers for an extra festive touch. Put small strips of magnets on the back and they serve double-duty as bits of decor for your fridge. 


Set 4: This fourth trio features iconic Christmas die-cuts transformed into tags, similar to the word dies above. Accent pieces to add some pizzazz to a package and a great way to use up scraps of patterned paper.  Add magnetic strips to extend the tag joy.

If you've made it this far, THANK YOU! 

Bonus share:
Set 5: Advent Tags Calendar (details here)

Creating this Advent Tags Calendar had me smiling alllll over my face!

Hopefully, I've offered inspiration for designing small works-of-art with your CUPlorations dies and assorted STAMPlorations products!

Merry Christmas!


  1. Wow! That is an amzing variety - I love them all

  2. Really cute Christmas tag ideas! I love the Advent Tag Calendar!

  3. Such gorgeous tags! I LOVE the tree one and the Advent!

  4. Awesome projects, and so many ways to use the dies!!
    Stay safe

  5. So many cool ideas here. Love the advent calendar and the magnet ideas. Hugz

  6. WOW, these are just wonderful. I love the angel especially. The advent calendar is so cute, I would love to make one for my grandkids!

  7. Wow, what a plethora of inspiration and fun - I especially love the "tags" on the burlap bags!!!

  8. I am in love with all these tags - and luckily, I have the supplies to make my own versions of a lot of them!

  9. That’s a truckload of tags! Lots of great inspiration!

  10. Fun tags and I
    love the truck
    Carla from Arizona


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